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  • Why is Prime Hydrogen Water recommended for drinking?

    Because hydrogen is a very powerful antioxidant that helps to neutralise free radicals and reduce oxidative stress, which is the cause of most of the illnesses and pre-mature ageing. Hydrogen is the smallest element in the universe, it penetrates parts of the body where other antioxidants cannot reach, such as the DNA, neurons and the cell nuclei.

  • How much hydrogen water should I drink a day?

    The recommended daily water intake is anywhere between one and three litres. We recommend that you drink only hydrogen water, although anything more than one glass a day will be highly beneficial for regulating your oxidation level.

  • Can babies, pregnant women and the elderly drink hydrogen water?

    Yes. The only effect of hydrogen-rich water is to help maintain a suitable oxidation level for good health. It has no contra-indications.

  • Can pets drink hydrogen water?

    Yes. In Korea and Japan they sell special packaged hydrogen water for pets.

  • Is it recommended for cooking?

    No, because the hydrogen evaporates while boiling and it turns back into normal water.

  • Is it recommended for making tea and infusions?

    If you heat the water without boiling it, it will keep its hydrogen and electric charge. If you drink enough hydrogen water, then you may like to think about whether it is worthwhile to make tea and infusions with this water.

  • Does it have any effects when applied to the body, the skin and scalp?

    Yes. It eliminates free radicals from the skin. Hydrogen water can be applied with a cloth or directly to the skin and left to work for a few minutes.

  • Is it possible to take an overdose of hydrogen-rich water?

    No. However long you hydrogenate the water, it is impossible to overload it with hydrogen. Once it becomes saturated, any excess just evaporates. What’s more, however, much hydrogen saturated water you drink, you’ll never reach the recommended maximum.

  • Is it possible to take an excessive negative antioxidant charge by drinking hydrogen-rich water?

    No. The problem occurs when there is a lack of negative charge. When there is too much, the electrons are discharged through the skin. The problem is that we discharge too much, causing oxidation.

  • Why do we need to take antioxidants?

    Every time we breathe in, 2% of the oxygen that enters our bodies turns into bad oxygen (free radicals) that oxidizes us. This bad oxygen can be converted into good oxygen if we give it an antioxidant electric charge. If it does not get this charge from antioxidants, it robs our cells, making them sick or killing them, a process known as oxidation. An industrialized lifestyle tends to raise oxidation levels due to poor diet, pollution, stress, etc. As we get older we also need more antioxidants, because our bodies generate fewer antioxidant enzymes.

  • Why does hydrogen-rich water give us more energy?

    When our level of oxidation is high, the body refuses to convert food into energy, because this further increases the oxidation. The antioxidant charge of hydrogen water helps to adjust the level of oxidation in the body, which enables food to be converted into energy, instead of it being stored as fat in our body.

  • Can hydrogen water help me to lose weight?

    The body refuses to convert energy into food when our oxidation level is high, because burning fat causes even more oxidation. The antioxidant charge of hydrogen water helps us to lower the level of oxidation, enabling the metabolism to transform fat into energy. However, the body never loses fat deposits unless we burn more calories than we consume.

  • Are there any calories in hydrogen water?

    No. However it seems like due to the energetic feeling after consuming Hydrogen Water, it really has zero calories making it the best fit for people looking to lose weight!

  • When will I start noticing the effects of the hydrogen water?

    Right from the start, you will notice you have more energy, are better hydrated, with improved general well-being, better digestion, better quality rest… But if you are talking about important improvements, you will only notice these after a few weeks or even months, if you manage to reduce oxidative stress, which is the cause of most illnesses and premature aging.

  • Is hydrogen water the same as alkaline water?

    No. Alkaline water has large quantities of minerals dissolved in it, and it does not normally have an electric charge or contain active hydrogen. Only “ionised alkaline” water has an antioxidant electric charge and some dissolved hydrogen, although most of the electric charge comes from the ionised minerals, which do not have a useful antioxidant charge. The only element that helps us to selectively eliminate harmful free radicals from our body is Molecular Hydrogen. This Molecular Hydrogen is present in high volumes in KYK Higen Water (upto 1,575 Parts Per Billion of Dissolved Hydrogen) and is also visible through naked eye.

  • Can I hydrogenate reverse osmosis water?

    Yes. It is the perfect water to use in the machine provided that the treatment equipment is working correctly.

  • Can I hydrogenate milk, juice or other liquids?

    No. Hydrogen is only suitable for use with “water apt for human consumption with a very low mineralization”.

  • Can I put hydrogen water in the refrigerator?

    Yes, but you must put it in glass bottles which are hermetically sealed and have no air gap, so that it does not lose the hydrogen while it cools.

  • Does ionised water taste different from normal water?

    When you drink it you will notice it has a more atomised, lighter taste, so it does have a subtly different flavour.

  • Does Hydrogen machine purify water?

    Yes. All KYK machines filter the water before it gets Hydrogenised or Ionized.

  • How long does it take for the water to lose its charge?

    Hydrogen water maintains its antioxidant properties for up to fourteen hours, although it can be stored indefinitely in a hermetically sealed glass bottle, filling it completely (upto the brim) without an air chamber.


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